Ian Purcell, M.D. Ph.D



General Neurology
Balance Disorders
Headache & Migraine Disorders
Post-traumatic Headache
Vestibular Migraine
Nerve Block & Injection

Dr. Ian Purcell strives towards the development of a world class Vestibular and Balance Institute. He currently practices clinical Neurology with an additional focus in OtoNeurology and Headache management. Dr. Purcell started by enrolling in the combined M.D./Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston in September of 1989. In September 1991 he entered the Vestibular Neurophysiology Laboratory of Adrian A. Perachio, Ph.D. and received a total of six years of funding from the NASA Graduate Training Grant and The Texas Space Grant Consortium as a principal investigator. As a neurophysiologist, aviator, and Russian jet warbird enthusiast, he is very interested in providing insight as to how sensory information related to gravity is encoded and processed by the vestibular system to control oculomotor and postural reflexes as well as spatial orientation of the human body moving through a complex three-dimensional environment. Dr. Purcell is involved in the innovation of many new vestibular technologies and actively publishes research articles on the vestibular system. He continues to remain at the forefront of diagnosing and treating vestibular dysfunction.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Purcell I.M. and Perachio A.A.
"Regional Distributions of Efferent Neurons in the Semicircular Canals in the Gerbil."
In: New Directions in Vestibular Research. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Editors: Highstein, Cohen, and Buttner-Ennever 781:608-683, 1996.

Marshburn T.H., Kaufman G.D., Purcell I.M., Perachio A.A.
"Saccule contributions to immediate early gene induction in the gerbil brainstem with posterior canal galvanic or hypergravity stimulation."
Brain Res.
13:264, 1997.


Purcell I.M. and Perachio A.A.
"Three-dimensional analysis of vestibular efferent neurons innervating the cristae ampullares of the gerbil."
J. Neurophysiol. 78(6): 3234-3248, 1997.


Purcell I.M. and Perachio A.A.
"Three Dimensional Analysis and Patterns of innervation of Vestibular Efferent and Afferent Terminal Endings in the Semi-circular Canals and Otolith Organs of the Gerbil."


Purcell I.M. and Perachio A.A.
"Peripheral patterns of terminal innervation of vestibular primary afferent neurons projecting to the vestibulo-cerebellum in the gerbil."
J. comp. neurol. 433(1):48-61, 2001.

Shinder M.E., Purcell I.M., Kaufman G.D., and Perachio A.A.
"Vestibular efferent neurons project to the flocculus."
Brain Research. 889(1-2):288-294, 2001.


Newlands S.D., Purcell I.M., Kevetter G.A., Perachio A.A.
"Central Projections of the utricular nerve in the gerbil."
J. Comp. Neurol. 452:11-23, 2002.


Purcell I.M.and Perachio A.A.
"Three-dimensional analysis of vestibular efferent neurons innervating the Utricular and Saccular Maculae of the gerbil."
J. Neurophysiol. (Submission) 2003.

Purcell I.M., Newlands S.D., Perachio A.A.
"Responses of gerbil utricular afferents to translational motion."
Exp. Brain Res. 152:317-322, 2003.


Newlands S.D., Arabic J.T., Purcell I.M., Stewart C.M., Zimmerman B.E., Perachio A.A.
"Central Projections of the secular and auricular nerves in the macaque."
J. Comp. Neurol. 452:11-23, 2002.


Purcell I.M., O’Leary M.J., Viirre E.S.
"Complicated Migraine Related Vertigo: A Case Report."
Headache. (submission) 2004.

Viirre E.S., Purcell I.M., Baloh R.W.
"How I Do It. The Dix-Hallpike Test and The Canalith Repositioning Maneuver."
Laryngoscope. 115(1): 184-187, 2005.


Purcell I.M., Newlands S.D., Hwang S, Perachio A.
"Patterns of Innervation of Bilaterally Projecting Vestibular Efferent Neurons in the Gerbil."
Comp. Neurol. (submission) 2007.

Published Abstracts

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Structural and Functional Studies of Afferent and Efferent vestibular neurons in the gerbil."
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 11-16, 1994.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Structural and Functional Studies of Vestibular Otolith Neurons in the Gerbil."
National Student Research Forum, Galveston, Texas, 1995.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Three-dimensional analysis of biocytin labeled vestibular efferent neurons in the semicircular canals of the gerbil."
ARO-Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Fl, February 4-9, 1995.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Regional Distributions of Efferent Neurons in the Semicircular Canals in the Gerbil."
New York Academy of Sciences Meeting Abstracts, New York June 25-27, 1995.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Regional distributions of efferent innervation in the utricular maculae of the gerbil."
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 11-16, 1995.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Regional innervation patterns of vestibular efferent neurons in the saccular macula of the gerbil."
ARO-Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Fl, February 4-8, 1996.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Peripheral terminals of vestibular primary afferent neurons projecting to the uvula and the nodulus of the cerebellum."
Barany Soc. Mtg., Sydney, Australia, August 12-14, 1996.

Purcell, I.M., & Perachio, A.A.
"Bilaterally projecting vestibular efferent neurons in the gerbil."
ARO-Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Fl, February 2-6, 1997.

Vrabec, J.T., Perachio, A.A., & Purcell, I.M.
"Transganglionic Labeling of Utricular Primary Afferent Neurons Projecting to the Brainstem and Cerebellum in the Macque."
ARO-Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Fl, February 2-6, 1997.

Vrabec, J.T., Perachio, A.A., & Purcell, I.M.
"Central projections of the saccule in the macaque."
ARO-AAOHNS Research forum, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 1997.

Vrabec, J.T., Perachio, A.A., & Purcell, I.M.
"Central projections of the saccule in the macaque."
ARO-AAOHNS Research forum, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 1997.

International Utility Patents

  1. Drive Device of BPPV Diagnosis and Treatment System - Granted
    • Publication Number: 105030207A
    • International Classification: A61B5/00
    • Publication Date: November 11, 2015
  2. Gear Type Vertigo Diagnosis and Treatment System - Pending
    • International Classification: A61B5/00, A61F11/00
    • Publication Date: December 30, 2015
  3. Computer Readable Medium Mounted in Moveable Visual Recording Equipment - Pending
    • Publication Number: 107595291A
    • International Classification: A61B5/11, A61B5/00, G06F19/00
    • Publication Date: January 19, 2018
  4. Method for Collecting Eye Movement, Head Positions and Stability Data in Real Time - Pending
    • Publication Number: 107661085A
    • International Classification: A61B3/113, A61B5/11
    • Publication Date: February 6, 2018
  5. System for Using Mobile Vision Recording Equipment to Collect Eye Movement Data - Pending
    • Publication Number: 107661086A
    • International Classification: A61B3/113, A61B5/11
    • Publication Date: February 6, 2018
  6. Transmission of BPPV System of Diagnosing - Granted
    • Publication Number: 204889950U
    • International Classification: A61B5/00
    • Publication Date: December 23, 2015
  7. Gear Formula Vertigo System of Diagnosing - Granted
    • Publication Number: 205197960U
    • International Classification: A61B5/00, A61F11/00
    • Publication Date: May 4, 2016
  8. System’s Rotation Device Gear Formula to Diagnose Vertigo - Granted
    • Publication Number: 205234454U
    • International Classification: A61B5/00, A61F11/00
    • Publication Date: May 18, 2016
  9. System’s Revolution Device Gear Formula to Diagnose Vertigo - Granted
    • Publication Number: 205322300U
    • International Classification: A61B5/00, A61F11/00
    • Publication Date: June 22, 2016
  10. Positioning System Device Gear Formula to Diagnose Vertigo - Granted
    • Publication Number: -
    • International Classification: A61B5/00, A61F11/00
    • Publication Date: August 3, 2016

International Design Patents or Patents Pending

  1. Vertigo Diagnosis System Eye Mask - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 303580310S
    • Application Date: August 20, 2015
    • International Classification: 24-01(10)
    Vertigo Diagnosis and Treatment System (large) - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 303580311S
    • Application Date: August 20, 2015
    • International Classification: 24-01(10)
    Vertigo Diagnosis and Treatment System - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 303510983S
    • Application Date: July 3, 2015
    • International Classification: 24-01(10)
    Eye Movement Detection Eye Mask - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 304704294S
    • Application Date: December 1, 2017
    • International Classification: 10-05(11)
    Eye Movement Detection Eye Mask (1) - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 304704296S
    • Application Date: December 1, 2017
    • International Classification: 10-05(11)
    Eye Movement Detection Eye Mask (2) - Authorized
    • Publication Number: 304704295S
    • Application Date: December 1, 2017
    • International Classification: 10-05(11)

San Diego Magazine

Celebrating Seven Consecutive Years as a Nominated Top Doctor
2016 - 2023

Dr. Ian Purcell's unwavering dedication to neurology and otoneurology has earned him the Top Doctor title annually from 2016 to 2023. His impactful contributions, emphasizing innovative treatments and patient care, highlight his leading role in medical advancements and patient advocacy, setting a high standard in healthcare.


2021 Top Doctors

Leading the Way in Vertigo and Headache Care

In the October 2021 issue of San Diego Magazine, delve into 'Stop the Spinning and Say Goodbye to Your Headaches,' a feature spotlighting the innovative work of Dr. Monali Patel and Dr. Ian Purcell. Learn how their unique blend of expertise and passion offers new hope to those suffering from complex neurological disorders.